Dos Palos

Dos Palos Recreation
The City of Dos Palos and the Dos Palos-Ora Loma Joint Unified School District has partnered to provide free recreational services to the City's youth. Below you'll find information on free recreational activities for ages 5-11. For questions about our recreational services, contact Ashton Llanez at (209) 392-2178 or allanez@cityofdp.com.

T - Ball
T-Ball sign-ups are available May-June with the season starting in July. Games are located at Pierini Park, at the corner of Merced Street & Wilson Avenue.
Flag Football
Flag Football sign-ups are available August-September with games starting the first week of October. Games are held at Dos Palos High School Football Field.

Soccer sign-ups are available starting August & September and games will start mid-October. Games will be held in a location to be determined.
Basketball sign-ups are available November to December and games will start in January. Games will be held at the Bryant Middle School Gym