Dos Palos

Business Directory

The City of Dos Palos has many types of businesses. Please try to shop in Dos Palos first. Our sales taxes are the lowest in Merced County. When you buy locally, you support local businesses, maintain local jobs, improve local choices, contribute to the local tax base, pave local streets, and improve local services.
There are 482 cities in California. The prestigious Rose Institute ranked the City of Dos Palos as one of California’s seven least expensive cities in which to own or operate a business. Dos Palos was ranked the least expensive city in the Central Valley. Give us a call. Our pro-business city council and business-friendly staff welcome new businesses. AutoZone, Dollar General Market, Subway, and West America Bank have joined our community in the last few years.
Dos Palos Dining Establishments--Good Places to Eat
Dining in the City of Dos Palos SUPPORT OUR LOCAL RESTAURANTS! 01-21-21
Per Governor's Pandemic Orders, All Restaurants are Take Out and/or Delivery Only.
Mexican: Restaurant: Diner:
Taco Grotto The Palm Mom’s & Pop’s Diner
1420 Elgin Avenue (33) 2201 Blossom Street 2042 Blossom Street
Fish & Mexican Food Classic American Classic American Breakfast
Dine-in or Drive-Thru Breakfast & Lunch Sunday Buffet/Tacos to go
209 392-6362 209 364-5223 209 364-5059
Mexican: Burgers: Donuts & Sandwiches:
El Galeron Carnitas Butch’s Drive-In Dos Palos Donuts
1524 Center Avenue 2625 Blossom Street 2101 Blossom Street
Fish & Mexican Food Famous Butch Burgers Fresh Pastries
Dine-In or Drive-Thru Soft Serves Sandwiches
209 392-6362 209 392-3771 209 392-2599
Mexican: Pizza: Sub Sandwiches:
El Tarasco Bravo Pizza Factory Subway
1645 Center Avenue 1516 Center Avenue Blossom & Center
Tacos, Burritos, Pizza, Salads Sandwiches, Salads,
Mexican Fast Food Wings, Beer Soup, Cookies
209 364-5168 209 392-6124 209 364-5155
Mexican: Pizza: Budget:
Cecilia’s Mikaleno’s Pizza Leo’s Deli Mart
2649 Blossom Street 1414 Center Avenue 1424 Center Avenue
Mexican Take Out Pizza, Pasta, Salads Sandwiches/Nachos
Inside State Supermarket Beer & Wine Burritos/Mojo
209 392-2266 209 392-2462
Mexican: Western Coffeehouse Lizzette’s Bakery
El Rinconcito Cocina Coffee Saloon 1529 Center Avenue
Mexicana 1909 Marguerite Street 209 392-2053
2031 Blossom Street Danish Pastry/Coffee
Beer & Wine Cantina Good to the last shot!
209 364-5348 209 364-5263
Convenience: Bar/Tavern:
Circle K The Servatorium Ice Cream:
Blossom & Elgin (33) 1548 Center Avenue La Michocana
Serving Since 1953 1557 Center Avenue
Dos Palos Realtors®
Luanne Anderson
West Hill Real Estate
2519 Blossom Street
Dos Palos Office
(209) 392-2171
(209) 704-5548
Since October 1998
Real Estate Specialist
Escrow Knowledge
Karen Caygle
Real Estate Connections
1825 Almond Street
Dos Palos Office
(209) 392-9500
(209) 587-0749
Since January 1998
Certified Property Manager
Probate Certified
Certified Probate Broker
Suzanne Cole
Berkshire Hathaway
Drysdale Properties
(209) 826-4924
(209) 704-4605
Residential Properties
Commercial Sales
Maria Pina
Century 21 M&M
Dos Palos Resident
(209) 769-5388
Hablo Espanol/Falo Portugues
Realtor Since 1992
Certified Residential Specialist
Investment Property
Shortsale Certified
Free Market Analysis