Dos Palos

Mixed Use General Plan/Zoning Code Text Amendment
The City of Dos Palos will be conducting a workshop on April 17, 2024 to introduce the Mixed Use Land Use Designation and Zoning District. This new use will allow both residential and limited commercial uses on the same property. Staff would like the community's input on the project. Click here to see the flyer.
Merced County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element
The City of Dos Palos is participating in the Merced County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element Update, a joint effort between the County of Merced, and the cities of Atwater, Dos Palos, Gustine, Livingston, Los Banos, and Merced to coordinate their Housing Element updates. The Merced County Association of Governments is helping to coordinate the effort.
The Draft Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element is now available for public review. Please visit the project website to download the documents and see other information about the project: https://mercedmjhe.com/
The Housing Element is one of the elements of the General Plan that presents a plan for meeting the community’s housing needs. It addresses constraints to housing development; available land and resources; housing needs; fair housing; and goals, policies, and programs to provide for housing to meet the needs of households at all income levels.
Dos Palos’ Draft Housing Element will be available for public comment for 30 days (from May 13 to June 12, 2024). Please submit all comments to bguerrero@cityofdp.com by 5pm June 12, 2024.
MCAG VMT Thresholds and Guidelines
Senate Bill 743, signed into law in 2013, established new metrics for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to address transportation impacts. SB 743 replaces the Level of Service (LOS) grade system to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as the primary transportation impact metric. This shifted the project-level evaluation and impact assessment system from an average level of traffic to the amount of miles traveled by all vehicles to better track vehicle use and vehicle emissions. The new requirements went into effect on July 1, 2020.
MCAG has prepared the VMT Thresholds and Guidelines for the seven jurisdictions: City of Atwater, City of Dos Palos, City of Gustine, City of Livingston, City of Los Banos, City of Merced, and the County of Merced. This plan includes project screening criteria, methodologies for estimating project specific VMT, regional and local thresholds, and VMT mitigation strategies.
The VMT Thresholds and Guidelines were prepared and adopted in 2022. The information included is targeted towards Lead Agencies, defined by CEQA as a public agency that has the primary responsibility for carrying out or approving a project.
You can download those thresholds and guidelines below.