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Dos Palos

Meetings & Locations
Ag Boosters & FFA - Dos Palos Ag Boosters and Dos Palos FFA Chapter #41, 7:00 pm on the first Monday of each month at the Agriculture Building,
1701 E. Blossom Street, Dos Palos.
Cemetery - Dos Palos District Cemetery Board of Directors, 4:00 pm on the third Thursday of March, June, September and December, at the Cemetery office, 1800 Elgin Avenue, Dos Palos. Flower removal on the first working days of
April, July, October and December.
Council - City Council, 6:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the
City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Avenue,
Dos Palos.
Drainage - Dos Palos Drainage District, 6:30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Avenue, Dos Palos.
Knights of Columbus - Meet at 7:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of every second or even numbered month in Room 3 of the Msgr. Flood Parish Hall, 1655 Lucerne Avenue, Dos Palos.
Library - Friends of the Library, 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month at
the Dos Palos Library, 2010 Almond Street, Dos Palos.
Lions - Dos Palos Lions Club, social hour at 6:00 pm, meeting at 7:30 pm on
the first and third Monday of each month at the Scout Hut in Colony Park, at
the corner of Center Avenue and Marguerite Street.
Planning - City Planning Commission, as needed, meets at 6:00 pm on the
first and third Wednesday of the month, in the City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Avenue, Dos Palos.
Radio - Dos Palos Radio Board of Directors, KDPT-FM 102.9, 5:00 pm on the second Monday of each month in the studio at 1701 East Blossom Street.
School Board - Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees, 6:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month at Marks Elementary School Cafeteria, 1717 Valeria Street, Dos Palos.
Senior Advisory - Dos Palos Senior Citizens Information & Referral Advisory Committee, 9:30 am on the last Tuesday of each month in the City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Ave., Dos Palos.
Senior Club - Dos Palos Senior Social Club, 12 noon luncheon and bingo on
the second Tuesday of each month at the Del Hale Hall in O'Banion (County) Park, at the corner of Center Avenue and Loraine Street, Dos Palos.
Veterans - Dos Palos American Legion Post 86, 7:00 pm on the second and
fourth Wednesday of each month at the American Legion Hall, 1601 Mabel
Avenue, Dos Palos. Bingo held at 7:00 pm on the first and third Tuesdays of
each month to support the maintenance of the Veterans Memorial.
Wastewater JPA - Wastewater Disposal Joint Powers Authority for the
Dos Palos area (Dos Palos/Midway/South Dos Palos), meets at 6:00 pm on
the second Wednesday of March, June and September the December meeting will be on the 2nd Wednesday at 6pm in the City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Avenue, Dos Palos.
Water JPA - Water Quality Improvement Joint Powers Authority for the
Dos Palos Area (Dos Palos, Midway, South Dos Palos, North Dos Palos,
Eastside, Bryant & Brannon, meets at 5:00 pm on the third Wednesday of March, June and September, the December meeting will be on the 2nd Wednesday at 5pm, in the City Council Chambers of the City-County Building, 1554 Golden Gate Avenue, Dos Palos.
Women's Club - Dos Palos Women's Improvement Club, meets at 6:30 pm,
on the second Thursday of each month, at the Women's Clubhouse, 2002 Marguerite Street, Dos Palos.
Y.L.I. - Dos Palos Young Ladies Institute, 7:00 pm on the second Wednesday of each month in Room 3 of the Msgr. Flood Parish Hall, 1655 Lucerne Avenue,
Dos Palos.
Y.M.I. - Dos Palos Council #99 of the Young Men's Institute, meets at 6:00 pm
on the second Tuesday of each month, in Room 3 of the Msgr. Flood Parish Hall, 1655 Lucerne Avenue, Dos Palos.
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