Dos Palos

Online Solar Permitting
The City is proud to offer online residential roof mount solar application submittals powered by Symbium. Click the button below to get started!
Applying for residential solar permits just got easier!
On September 16, 2022, Senate Bill (SB) 379 was approved by California Governor Gavin Newsom to establish instantaneous plan review practices and create consistent permitting processes at cities and counties for automated permitting of residential solar and energy storage systems.
The City of Dos Palos is proud to announce that it has partnered with Symbium to establish an automated permitting platform that complies with requirements of SB 379.
Contractors and homeowners seeking to pull permits under SB 379 will be able to apply for instantaneous plan review approval via this Symbium portal. You may begin your application below by first verifying the address is within our city limits.
The use of the new platform is highly encouraged as it facilitates and expedites plan review and permit issuance. However, applicants seeking to apply for residential roof top systems or energy storage systems outside of the platform, or for those that are disqualified from utilizing the system, can still submit applications in person at City Hall.
If you have any questions about how to use Symbium or require any technical support, please reach out directly to Symbium at support@symbium.com.