Dos Palos

DEWAYNE JONES - City Manager
Director of Finance & Personnel - Human Resources, Building & Planning
Manuela Sousa has many years of experience with the City of Dos Palos. She is the President of the Class of 2019 Parent Club, Treasurer of Sober Grad, serves as an FFA Parent, Blue & Gold member
of the Dos Palos Ag Boosters, Medi-Cal Review Board, Disaster Council, and is a D.E.S. Volunteer. She previously served on the Dos Palos Elementary School Site Council, and as a 4-H Leader. Sousa
holds a business certificate from Merced College, was previously employed in small business and
as a bookkeeper. She and her husband Fred Sousa have two daughters, one attending Fresno State
and the other is a senior at Dos Palos High School.
Director of Utilities - Water & Wastewater
Director of Public Works - Parks
Gordon Bonds represents the third generation of a four generation Dos Palos family. A graduate of Dos Palos High School, he also holds certificates from Merced College, and is a former Police Reserve officer. He has worked in the private sector and is a former local small business owner and operator. He has worked for the City of Dos Palos for more than 15 years, is active with the Dos Palos Ag Boosters, and in 2018 was elected to serve on the Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified School District Board of Trustees.
Chief of Police - Animal Control
City Treasurer
Lori Lima is a Registered Dental Assistant and holds an Associate of Science (AS) degree from Merced College. In addition to serving as City Treasurer for many years, she is frequently seen as a volunteer on behalf of the schools, fire department, agricultural programs, church activities, and the DES Association. She is the granddaughter of the City's longest serving former Mayor Herb Clements. Lori, her husbandP Paul, and their three children, Noah, Katie, and Nathan were all born and raised in Dos Palos.